Incubus (Daughters Of Lilith: Book 2)

"Incubus" (Daughters of Lilith Paranormal Thrillers Book 2) by Jennifer Quintenz

“The action sequences in this book were amazing. The ending will leave you reeling. This story is incredible and Jennifer Quintenz is an amazingly talented author… This book is an absolute MUST read!”
– Condygurl of the “Recent Reads” book blog


Braedyn Murphy used to think nothing important ever happened in her sleepy town of Puerto Escondido. But that was before she learned she was a descendent of Lilith, the mother of all demons.

Now Braedyn fights to protect humanity from the Lilitu – the beautiful, souls-stealing children of Lilith.

As she fights the Lilitu, Braedyn must also fight her growing love for her boyfriend Lucas – because giving in to temptation could end his life. Their only ray of hope is an angel’s offer to make Braedyn human, but it’s an offer she can’t accept until the world is safe from the Lilitu.

Braedyn knows she’s a key player in this ancient war… but she just might be humanity’s best hope of surviving the final battle for Earth.



Incubus (Daughters of Lilith, #2)

6 comments on “Incubus (Daughters Of Lilith: Book 2)
  1. I love this book. It has a sense of romance of Romeo and Juliet of you can’t be with him even though you love him. And is action turn paging thriller. A must read.

    • jennq says:

      Thank you so much for reading, Savannah! I’m so happy you enjoyed! Almost done with “Guardian” as we speak…

  2. Leisel says:

    I found your first book “Thrall”, online through a free ebooks giveaway. OMG thoroughly enjoyed it. I have told my sister she needs to get a copy of it to read. Now needing to get copy of books 2 and 3, as can’t linger too long in between books.

    • jennq says:

      Thank you so much, Leisel! I’m loving instafreebie, is that where you found it? It’s been an amazing way to reach new readers like you. So happy you found “Thrall!” Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!

  3. Brenna says:

    I read the first book thrall and it was one of the best books I’ve ever read in my entire life. I loved it so so so so much. I cannot wait to read Incubus and the ones following after. By far one of the books I’ve read.

    • jennq says:

      Brenna, thank you so much for reading, and thank you for stopping by and letting me know you enjoyed “Thrall!” It feels so good to know the story connects with others. Hope you’re having an amazing 2018 so far!

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