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$3.99 THRALL (Daughters of Lilith: 1) is the story of a sweet and shy high school sophomore who discovers she’s a descendant of Lilith: the mother of all demons. “Before you even start this review, put down anything you are doing and go read Thrall. It’s AMAZING! BREATHTAKING! Engaging and smart, Thrall leaves you speechless!” BUY NOW: [thrive_2step id=’1654′]Or CLICK HERE to sign up for our newsletter for a FREE COPY.[/thrive_2step] |
$3.99 “If you like gutsy fantasy of the urban variety this should definitely be on your ‘must read’ list. Don’t let the YA label put you off either, like all the best YA fiction, this can be enjoyed by adults as well. I give it an unreserved 5 stars.” |
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$3.99 “How would I describe this third installment? In a word: awesome.” BUY NOW:
$3.99 “Holy buckets! I am at a loss for words with how amazing this series is and how much it has grown throughout the books!” |
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$3.99 RELEASE DATE: August 29, 2017 |
Jennifer Quintenz is the author of the award-winning DAUGHTERS OF LILITH paranormal thriller YA novels. Outside of writing books, Jenn has penned projects for TV, film, and comic books. Jenn currently lives in California with her husband and sons. |
When is Guadian coming out?
Hello Manndy – thanks so much for asking! I’m trying something new with Books 4 and 5 (the final two books of the Daughters series). I’m going to outline them together, and then hopefully there won’t be as big a lag between their release. That being said, I suspect Guardian will be out in the spring of 2015, hopefully the early spring. Beyond that, I’ve got a few other things brewing, including one project which should be out before then. But know that I’ve got several things planned for Braedyn and the gang and I cannot wait to share the next installment with you guys. Thanks again for dropping by!
Yes, keep them coming please. I love this series!!
Thanks, David! I’m so eager to get these last two books out for the Daughters series…
Just wondering if you have a release date for book 4 yet?
Hello, Sarah–thanks for asking. Guardian should be out later this year – I am hoping by early fall. The only reason for the delay is my *other* writing work… I’m working on something for a producer right now, and then I’ve promised a pilot to my managers for this staffing season. But I have to tell you–I CANNOT wait to deliver the final two books in this series. So so so much more story to go… Thank you again for writing–and for reading! Happy Valentine’s day, a few days early. 🙂
I am from Australia, so we don’t have the seasons you talk about in the Northern Territory ha-ha, so When is early fall? I just finished your books. All three in one week! LOVE them. Great read and I’m desperate to read book four!
Your an amazing writer Jennifer. So todays date is 29-10-2015, I see these posts are a few months old, so I’m hoping the release date is soon 🙂
Ha ha ha! Yeah… we are in early fall right now. I am so glad you are enjoying the series! And here’s my mea culpa… I got another writing gig that unexpectedly took me away from my series for a brief spell. The good news: I have books 4 and 5 outlined, so when I get my full-time writing back, I will be writing them back to back. I still hope (fingers crossed!!!) to get Guardian out in 2015. But this new writing project (which I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT and cannot wait to tell people about!) may push my actual publishing date out a bit. Eeeeeee. If only there were more hours in the day. Or I didn’t need to sleep. Or pay the bills… but thank you again for reading, and I hope to have the conclusion of the series out for you ASAP!
Do you have a release date for Kin (book 5) yet? I have just reread this series again for the 3rd time ? And am so excited to read the next one!!
Dawn, WOW! Thank you so much for reading! I am working on it right now, actually – about ⅓ the way through the first draft. I hope to publish it this summer. Will post updates on the blog or the newsletter as soon as I know more. Hopefully you won’t have to wait much longer!
Hi, really looking forward to book4. Amazing concept and some really deep and interesting plots and turns.
Downloaded the first one for a holiday last year and ended up reading all 3 during the week!
Thank you for dropping by to let me know, Amy! I am so happy that you’re finding the story engaging. I can’t wait to get back to this series–I’m nearing the end of my current project (which I’m also excited to tell folks about!) and then it’s my hope to get the final two books of the Daughters series out this year. Fingers crossed!
When is book 5 coming out??
This series of books is awesome, I have read all 3 books within 2 weeks they are just that good. I haven’t enjoyed a series like this for quite a while, so I’m so looking forward to Guardian!
So glad to hear it, Chantelle! Thanks so much for letting me know. I’m very excited about Guardian – can’t wait to get it out into the world. Thanks again for stopping by! Have a wonderful Spring. 🙂
I absolutely love your books. I can’t wait for number 4.
Thank you so much, Sharon! I’ve just finished a side-project novel (to be announced in the coming months) – but that means I am able to get back to Daughters now. My goal is to wrap this series (books 4 and 5) by the end of this year. Fingers crossed!
I hate reading!!! But a friend of mine recommended these books and I was finished with all 3 within 6 days!!! I absolutely loved them. Downside…. Waiting for Guardian to come out. ?
Wow – thank you so much, Amy!!! That’s so awesome! I’m so glad you dropped by to let me know. I am working on Guardian today, actually – I hope to have it out in late summer / early fall (to be shortly followed by the last book of this series…) Hope you have a lovely summer and thank you so much for reading!
Oh my god these books are so good! I got a kindle close to four months ago, and they suggested Thrall….I read the description and got it. I held out on using my kindle as I finished the Percy Jackson series for the second time. Then I started to read Thrall…I was hooked right in. Braedyn and Lucas were like friends to me as I read the series. At first I was awe struck by your righting but as the story deepened…I couldn’t stop reading! You are so unpredictable! It felt really good to read a story and not be able to guess what is going to happen! I finished Thrall in five hours and instantly looked for the second book. I got incubus and am already ten chapters in, I am hoping to soon get the series in book form to read and have at ALL times! These books are truly a work of art that I enjoy reading and am hoping to continue on!
I am a writing too, and what surprised me the most by the first book was, I was already formulating my own character and my own plot to extend from your book! I’ve already started writing my own book from it! I absolutely love your books and am hoping to get them all! Good day to you! 🙂
Thank you so much, Logan! I’m so thrilled to hear you’re working on a story inspired from these books! Awesome! Happy New Year, and keep writing! 😀
I read these books late last year hoping that I wouldn’t have to wait long for Guardian! They are fast becoming one of my favourite series.. Do you have a release date for Guardian yet?! I’m not a patient person haha!
Hello Lena! Okay… so I have some good news and some not-quite-as-good-but-hopefully-still-not-bad news: BOTH Guardian and Kin are outlined and ready go to. The only thing stopping me is my current job writing a feature film for a production company (I’m very excited about this story… and hope to share more very soon!). So, my honest answer to you is that I hope to write through Guardian and Kin both as soon as my current project is finished. In an ideal universe? Summer 2016 will see both books published! Fingers crossed. Thank you for reading, and I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to wrap this story up for everyone.
?? How is the new gig going? Hoping you’re almost finished. I’m still absolutely dying to read Guardian and Kin. Any ideas of when you’ll be able to get back to fleshing them out?.. Or should I move on lol. Warm Regards, Emily.
Hello Emily!
Please don’t give up on me! 😉 Both Guardian and Kin are 100% outlined, and I just finished the first draft of this feature script, so I’m hoping to get to writing Guardian in the very near future. If things go as I hope, I should have Guardian out for you guys by the end of June if not sooner. I can’t tell you HOW ANTSY I AM about getting these books written. I’m so happy with how the story progresses and – in “Kin” – concludes. Let’s just say, there are many more hurdles for Braedyn to overcome.
That being said… very soon I’m going to put together a launch team, for readers who are interested in getting all future books for free in exchange for an honest review the week the book launches. If that sounds like something you might be interested in, let me know (if you’re signed up for the newsletter, you’ll get an email from me when it’s time to get this group up and running.)
I’m sure I’ve said it before, but thank you so much for reading and for dropping by with your thoughts and questions (and gentle nudges for me to get cracking on these next books!). Hope you have a wonderful week!
So excited for you. Can’t wait for books 4 and 5!!
Thank you, Melissa!
I was just on your facebook and saw on your coverpic Stolen Child. I just checked Amazon but I can’t find it. Is that book part of the series and is it not available yet?
Becky, Thanks for asking – “Stolen Child” is a short story bridging Book 3 and Book 4 that was published in the “Empower: Fight Like A Girl” anthology to raise money for Lupus research. However, you can get a free copy by signing up for the newsletter on the site here: http://jenniferquintenz.com/sign-up-for-my-newsletter/
Thanks so much for reading!
Do you have a set date for Guardian yet?! It’s been sooooo long! I can’t wait any longer!
Hello, Ellie! You have perfect timing! I just finished the draft, so I’m anticipating it will be published in August or September! Thank you so much for reading and sticking with the series. I know I’ve been pulled off to write on several other things between Sacrifice and Guardian, but I’m back, and Kin (book 5) is totally outlined so the wait between 4 and 5 won’t be very long at all!
Official release date: September 13, 2016!
Yes! Can’t wait to read more about Braedyn and Lucas!
That’s amazing news! Definitely brightened my day! Roll on Autumn 🙂
I just finished reading book 4 and I simply can’t wait for the next I started these books are week ago and I’ve hardly been able to put them down.what a fantastic series!
Thank you Malisa! I’m so glad you enjoyed them. Hopefully you won’t have to wait too long for book 5! Thanks so much for reading!
I’ve burned through all 4 books in a matter of 5 days…your writing is amazing. So imma need that book 5 like…….now XD I can’t wait for it to come out!! I look forward to finding out what happens!
Ha ha ha!!! Thank you, Darby! I promise I’m working as fast as I can on Kin. You are a speed-demon when it comes to reading, wow! Hopefully I’ll have book 5 in your hands in the next few months… Thank you for reading, Darby – and thanks for the comment. 🙂
Do you have a release date for kin book 5? I just cannot wait ive read all the series in a month. Ready to see what braedyn does with the guard in her hands now.
Thank you, Caitlyn! I don’t have an official date yet, but I’m still hoping December or January. Fingers crossed. So I’d better get back to writing… 😉 Thanks so much for reading!
I cannot wait for book 5! I’ve read 1-4 (including 3.5) in roughly 3 days. Hopefully it’ll come out around my birthday, making it the best gift!! Keep up the great work!
Thank you so much Clohie! I hope so, too… 🙂
Good job!!! Your series has just had me rivitted book by bookf, the last book-book four, most especially. So kool kool kool! I love the theme, your characters, I love Everything! Can’t wait for books 5 & 6. Hope their out so very soon.
Thanx so much Jennifer
Love Dani
Thank you so much, Dani! I’m so happy you enjoyed them! I’m 3 chapters into “Kin,” but I just got a new job that might take me away from the novels for a few months, but as soon as that job ends I’m back on “Kin!” Hopefully early 2017…? Thanks for reading, and I hope you’re having a lovely November so far. Hard to believe the year is almost over. Wow.
When is Kin coming out? I can’t wait to start reading it ! 🙂
Thank you for asking, Steffy! I don’t have a firm deadline for when “Kin” will be released but I’m hoping it’ll be before summer of 2017. I would have had it out this December, but I got hired on “Teen Wolf” (yay!) and so most of my time is now devoted to writing for the show. That being said, “Kin” is my first priority as soon as the show wraps, and when I get spare moments here and there I try to do some work on the book. I’m on chapter 3 right now. The whole story is outlined–I literally just have to find the time to write it out. Thanks so much for stopping by, for reading, and for your interest! Happy New Year!
Loved reading the 4 books so eagerly waiting for book 5. We are now in January of 2017, so please get into this book ASAP!!!
Thank you, Anne! I promise I’m working on “Kin,” but my timeline got a little pushed. I’ve been hired on the TV show “Teen Wolf” and it’s been an amazing experience so far. The one and only down side is that “Kin” is going to be delayed a bit. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you won’t have to wait much longer for “Kin!” I just have to find the time to finish writing it. 🙂
Hi, when is the 5th book ‘kin’ being released?
Hello Ayesha! The short answer is, “I’m not quite sure yet.” The longer answer is, I’d written the first three chapters back at the beginning of November 2016 and then I got hired on “Teen Wolf” which is a dream job I couldn’t turn down. So I’m writing on the final season right now, and the writers’ room is coming to a close pretty soon. My goal is to jump right back into “Kin” and wrap this series ASAP. Hopefully, I’ll have this book published by summer of 2017. Fingers crossed. 🙂 Thanks again for reading!
Obsessed with the series aswel as your books! Are you helping them write the series or are you a actor if so which character are you playing?
LOL! I love it too! I’m writing on the show. Hope you enjoyed the 6a finale. I worked on 6b, which should start airing this summer. Yay!
I read through the first four books within a week. I can’t wait for Kin!!!
Hello Darrella! Thank you so much for reading. So… my plans to get “Kin” out at the end of 2016 have obviously fallen through. I got a job writing on “Teen Wolf” and it’s taken up pretty much ALL THE MINUTES. I’m loving the work, it’s a great team, and it’s coming to an end soon. So as soon as I’m unemployed again, I’ll jump back into “Kin.” Hoping to have this one out by summer this year. Thanks again for reading, and I hope you’re having a lovely week so far.
Hi Jennifer,
Congrats on the “Teen Wolf” gig. It seems you are a high demand writer in the film industry. I only wish there was more time for your novel writing. I’m anxiously awaiting “Kin”. Though it isn’t what I studied in college, writing has become a hobby and maybe something more as I keep practicing. I always thought if I were to write, it would be as a novelist. However, screenwriting has caught my interest, particularly adaptations. I’m starting with Stephenie Meyer’s “The Chemist” and see how it feels. Do you have any advice on writing for film? Is the switch difficult for you?
Desiree, thank you! I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say “high demand” but I’ve been lucky to work on some amazing productions. And speaking of more time for novel writing… I’m back to novels now that the writers’ room has ended on “Teen Wolf.” It was an incredible experience, and I met some truly brilliant writers, but I’m ready to get back to the novel. As for your writing, that’s awesome! Keep it up. Screenwriting is it’s own art form, but like with anything, you just have to practice practice practice. I’ve only adapted someone else’s writing once. I’m sure it’s different with each story. As for advice, I’d recommend reading as many screenplays as you can get your hands on to get the flavor of how you handle things like slug lines, action, and character descriptions (like poetry, every word counts…). Beyond that, stories in general have similar characteristics like a beginning, a middle, an end, and more specific moments like the end of act two “darkest moment” and so on. There are a lot of great books out there that cover screenplay structure. And the best part is, whatever you learn in one form of writing will help you in all forms of writing. I hope some of this is helpful – I know it’s kind of vague. Just keep writing! Every story you finish makes you a better writer. 🙂
Couldn’t put your books down. I’m hoping kin is ready very very soon 🙂
Thank you, Debra! Yes, “Kin” should be out by this summer. Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you’re having a lovely week so far.
Due you have a date for book 5 ?
Not a firm date yet, but it should be out this summer. Fingers crossed! Thank you for reading!
Can’t wait to check out Kin. Have really enjoyed this series. I was wondering when the paperback version of Kin will be release. Thanks in advance.
Hello Brandon! It should be available on Release day (August 29, 2017) as well! Thanks for reading. Hope you’re having a lovely summer so far. 🙂
Hello, Brandon! It should be available on Release day (August 29, 2017) as well! Thanks for reading. Hope you’re having a lovely summer so far. 🙂
Jennifer Quintez writes a series you don’t stop and review book one and then think about reading book 2 someday, no you get back online and grab it as soon as you finish.
Good morning. Hope when you are reading this that you and your family members are well and safe. I am writing to you cause I have readied all of the Daughters of Lilith and loved it very much a I would like to know if you’re going to be having book 6 out any time soon and if so please let me know when it will be out.
Thanks for your book’s.
Rosa, Thank you so much for sharing this! I don’t think there will be a book 6 of this story, but I have another series planned that takes place in the same universe and might draw some of our characters back into the action. 🙂 Fingers crossed I’ll get to start writing it soon!
Good morning. Hope when you are reading this that you and your family members are all well and safe. In a time like this with this various that is going around. Reading is what is keeping me from going crazy cause we are not able to do what we all are used to do. To day date is September 3,2020 and it is 6:21a.m. My name is Rosa and I have read all your 5 books on “Daughter Of Lilith Series” and fall in love with them. I have been trying to find out if you are going to be writing a book 6 on the “Daughter Of Lilith” Series because I would love to get to read it and add it to my collection. Please let me know if you are planning to continue with the series so that I can keep a look out for it.
Thank you so much, Rosa! I think Brayden’s main adventure is over, but we may see her (and some other characters) in my next planned series, “The Bond Of Saint Marcel.” Not sure when I’m going to get to it – I’m currently working on a feature (something I hope I can announce soon!). But thank you so much for reading – I really appreciate your stopping by here to share your thoughts. 🙂