
“Kin” Launch Day Bonus

Hello, everyone!

Kin, the final book in the Daughters of Lilith series is now available!



And, if you buy your copy of Kin today, you’ll get access to a special Launch Bonus: I’m sharing the TV Pilot script of “Thrall” for readers who buy the book between now and September 2nd.

In order to gain access to the script:

  1. Pick up a copy of the book before Saturday (September 2nd) at AMAZON, NOOK, APPLE, or KOBO.
  2. Inside the book, in the Table of Contents, you’ll see a chapter marked “Launch Bonus”
  3. Click the “Launch Bonus” chapter link, and you’ll be taken to a page with instructions on how to download your copy of the TV Pilot script.

Just make sure you download the script before midnight on September 2nd, because the link will become inactive after that point.

Happy reading!

Jenn Q

Posted in Daughters of Lilith

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