
Jennifer Quintenz

Jennifer Quintenz photo by Patricia Harrison

Originally from New Mexico (and still suffering from Hatch green chile withdrawal), Jenn is the author of the award-winning Daughters of Lilith paranormal thriller YA novels.

Outside of writing books, Jenn has penned projects for TV (including MTV’s Teen Wolf), graphic novels (The Red Star, The Bond Of Saint Marcel), and film (most recently adapting Erica O’Rourke’s novel Dissonance for the big screen).

Jenn currently lives in California with her husband and sons, and is realizing a life-long dream of growing actual real live avocados in her backyard. No guacamole yet–but she lives in hope.

The Daughters of Lilith Paranormal Thrillers
“Thrall” (Daughters of Lilith: Book 1)
“Incubus” (Daughters of Lilith: Book 2)
“Sacrifice” (Daughters of Lilith: Book 3)
“Guardian” (Daughters of Lilith: Book 4)
“Kin” (Daughters of Lilith: Book 5)

Jennifer Quintenz on StoryFinds


29 comments on “Bio
  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for writing a book with a strong female lead. I am so sick of this helpless female saved by the dark stranger stuff. I hope in the coming novels she grows in strength. A wonderful book, I look forward to more!

  2. Rosie says:

    I love thrall. Good job! I hope a second book comes out

  3. Paula says:

    Just finished reading Thrall. Amazing book! i couldn’t put it down! Great story w/ great powerful characters and a wonderful strong female lead. Thank you! I can’t wait to read book 2 and book 3 later this year!

    • Jenn Q says:

      Paula – I’m so glad you enjoyed the book. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a message. I’m hard at work on Book 3… and some other exciting things are in the works! Hope to be able to talk about them soon!

  4. Sarah says:

    I have enjoyed all three books immensely! I just finished Sacrifice and I am desperate to know if you plan on continuing the series! I need to know what happens to Braedyn and the whole gang!

    • Jenn Q says:

      Yes, yes, Sarah! There will be 5 books total in the “Daughters of Lilith” series. Things are going to blow up in book 4… 🙂 Book four is called “Guardian” and should be out in the spring of 2015, but hopefully I’ll be able to tease the cover sooner than that. Book five is called “Kin,” and if all goes as planned, it should be out in the fall of 2015. And then… I’ve got a new series (or 3) brewing! Thank you so much for reading, and please drop by anytime with your questions or comments.

  5. Ryan Quintenz says:

    My girlfriend and I just finished reading Thrall and Incubus. Gotta say, so far the series is an amazing read. Looking forward to reading the rest and anxiously waiting for book 5.

    • Jenn Q says:

      Hello fellow Quintenz! Thanks so much for reading, and for dropping by to leave a comment. I am hard at work on books 4 & 5 – so eager to share the conclusion of the story with everyone.

      • Angela Placitelli says:

        I have read all four books of the daughters of limits series they are amazing please please hurry on the next book number 5. I’ve read a lot of books and being a Stephen king lover of his books I thought he was the best author ever but after reading yours, you are my number best author in my estimation I love you.

  6. Ashley says:

    Just started reading your books. My first thought was, she has to be from New Mexico. Love reading books that take me back home a bit. Thank you.

    • jennq says:

      That’s fantastic, Ashley. Yay! Which part of NM are you from? I grew up in Albuquerque. Every time we go back we have to hit Sadie’s for some chicken stuffed sopapillas in green chile sauce and papas fritas.

  7. Ariana says:

    I found Thrall on a “freebie Friday” site for my kindle, and asked my amazon-savy sister-in-law to help me get the next 2. She wants to read them as well once I’m done. (i think she may have secretly bought the 2 & 3 for me…haven’t figured out how yet!)
    Now I will have to get the 4 & 5 ones too. Just finished Incubus….in about 3 days. And that with 2 toddlers underfoot, and in my lap most of the time!

    • jennq says:

      Ariana, I’m so glad you discovered “Thrall.” And so impressed you’ve managed to read so quickly with two toddlers! I’ve got two boys, 5 and 2, and man they keep me busy. Thanks for reading, and have a great day!

  8. Ashley Artiaga says:

    I am Soo excited about your series!!! I love that you added a strong female character and added in an LGBQT character as well!!!!! Thank you, thank you!!!!! I love each character in my own way! That to me is what really makes a great book/series is if I can relate to a character in any way. I am hooked! Cheers to you!!!! I left reviews on both good reads and Amazin too!!! Can’t wait to get my hands on the test in your series!!!! Thank you again for creating a world I can get lost in!!!!!

    • jennq says:

      Ashley, Thank you so much for reading! It means so much to me that you took the time to drop by and let me know your thoughts, and I’m so glad you like Royal! He’s one of my favorite characters to write! I am so very happy that you’re enjoying the story, and I cannot wait to get the next book out (soon soon soon!) Happy July, and thanks again for stopping by to say hi!

  9. cazz says:

    Hi Jennifer,
    I received you book Thrall via Instafreebie and I finished that within a couple of days, I don’t have all day to read unfortunately. I really enjoyed the whole thing so much so that I brought Incubus and Sacrifice and have nearly finished them both. I am getting frustrated as I just can’t get through the day without having a read to see what is happening, its driving my family barmy as they talk to me and just get a grunt in reply, lol.
    Seriously i’m thoroughly enjoying your books and will need to buy the 4th book soon, you have really grabbed me by the throat with this series that i shall be looking for all others that you have written.
    THANK YOU Jennifer.

    • jennq says:

      Thank you, Cazz! Yay! I’m always excited to hear from readers, so thank you so much for the message, it’s exactly the shot in the arm I needed today! I’m on pins and needles getting this launch up and running… just 4 more days until “Guardian” is officially released. Thanks again for reading, and have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Sophie Adams says:

    hey there! I got your book Thrall for free, but didn’t actually read it for a while. after I started, though, I finished all four books in about a week. I couldn’t stop reading! I love all of the characters, and appreciate the strong female lead. it’s a great series that I will for sure recommend. but now I’m wondering–what are the plans for a fifth book?? I’m obsessed and just have to find out what happens!!

    • jennq says:

      Thank you for asking, Sophie! I took a little break from the novels when I got hired to write on “Teen Wolf,” but that job just ended and so I’m back to novel writing – I’m 3 chapters into Kin and hope to have a draft of the book in March, then it’s just a matter of editing and all the publishing details… long story short, my plan is to have “Kin” out by June! Thank you for reading, and thanks for stopping by!

  11. Dear Jennifer! I’m not sure you would remember me, but we met when my class came for a visit to NM in 1993. I stayed with you and your amazing family, and then you came to Saint Petersburg and stayed with me!
    Do you remember at all? You also wrote all the words to the songs on my tape (I remember Elton John haha)

    I now live in Texas, still play piano 🙂

    Drop me a note if you want! I’d love to hear from you!!!

    • jennq says:

      Of course I remember you, Anastasia! I actually tried to find you on Facebook a few years back with no luck. I’m so happy you’ve found me. I’ll email you, but I’m so excited you reached out!

  12. Janice robertson says:

    When is the final book after the guardian coming out cause I can’t wait

    • jennq says:

      I’m writing it right now! Just finished my time at “Teen Wolf,” so I should have some time to work on the novel again (at last!). Hopefully you won’t have to wait too long. 🙂 I’m hoping to have it published by summer at the latest. Soon!

  13. Miranda says:

    Fellow AA alumnus, so excited to read your books! Congrats on your success!

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